About Me

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Wow where do I begin??? First of all I love my Jesus. He's my rock & comforter. By no means am I perfect & I am so thankful that in Him I am saved. I have been married to my best friend for 5 years. Colby is such a great hubby and amazing daddy. I can't believe what a hard worker he is and what he does for our family. If it's possible, I love him more everyday. We have two little boys, Jake who turned three in January and has blessed our lives more than we could have ever imagined! And Jett who was born in November and is such a sweet angel! Becoming a mommy has brought out an entire new part of me that I never knew existed. And I honestly can't even describe it. But it's the best, most significant, and most rewarding thing I've ever done. My family is my WORLD...I'm not worthy of such a beautiful family. GOD IS GOOD!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

27 weeks and the third trimester!

We've made it to the third trimester! Today I'm 27 weeks...only 13 more to go! And maybe a little less...ha ha. :) Things have been crazy busy for us lately. Mom and I just got back last night from a little trip to Oklahoma City. One last get away before I'm not able to handle all the traveling and walking around. My good friend Shanna had her little boy this past Thursday...the 25th. I'm so happy for her and I know that she is having a blast being a new mommy! And that makes it SO REAL!!!! It feels just like yesterday that we were having her shower and SHE was 25 or so weeks!

Jake should be over 2 pounds right now. I have NO doubt about that! I'm sure he's well over the 2 pound mark! And he's probably about 15 inches long. His lungs are now capable of breathing air. And at this point he would be able to survive outside of the womb if something were to happen and he had to come this early.

I took a couple more belly pictures. It's been a while since I had done it, but here they are! Yep, he's definitely getting bigger! :) I'm still feeling really really good. I'm not too achy. Sleeping is the most difficult thing, it's just hard to find a comfy position! I was told early on to stay as active as possible and I've tried to walk at least every other day and honestly I think that has helped SO much!
Ok the last one isn't a "belly" pic...but it's a happy picture!! :) And it's SO true, Colby and I are so excited and we can't wait for Jake to be here! We're on the countdown!

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