About Me

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Wow where do I begin??? First of all I love my Jesus. He's my rock & comforter. By no means am I perfect & I am so thankful that in Him I am saved. I have been married to my best friend for 5 years. Colby is such a great hubby and amazing daddy. I can't believe what a hard worker he is and what he does for our family. If it's possible, I love him more everyday. We have two little boys, Jake who turned three in January and has blessed our lives more than we could have ever imagined! And Jett who was born in November and is such a sweet angel! Becoming a mommy has brought out an entire new part of me that I never knew existed. And I honestly can't even describe it. But it's the best, most significant, and most rewarding thing I've ever done. My family is my WORLD...I'm not worthy of such a beautiful family. GOD IS GOOD!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

3 months

Our Jake was three months old on Wednesday. It has been such a joy watching him grow and seeing all the fun changes happening in him.

What a smiley and happy baby he is! He has always seemed so content but now he is really showing it! He is constantly smiling and we've even caught a laugh a time or two! You can tell he is trying so hard to get those giggles out! And when he does we just absolutely melt! :)

He loves to play! He has so much fun playing on the floor with us. And his new FAVORITE thing is watching cartoons! Oh my goodness he's our new little movie buff! We'll put him in his jumperoo or exersaucer and he will literally sit and watch an entire movie! I know they say you're not supposed to let your kids watch t.v. but he really enjoys it! I guess he's like his daddy in that way!

Bath time is really so much fun. He will just lay back in his little tub, smile, and relax and kick his feet like crazy! He LOVES it!

Jake is so strong! He's getting to be a pro at rolling over. He doesn't mind being on his tummy playing but it's so neat to see that when he's had enough he'll just roll right over! What a little smarty pants! He has almost made it over from his back to his tummy. He'll get over on his side and stays there. I don't know if he's just content on his side or if he just can't make it over to his tummy yet, but either way, we're getting there!

One word...teething. Yes, we're teething. And honestly it hasn't been too bad yet. He's drooling like crazy and chewing on anything, (or anyone), he can! His shirts are just soaked by the end of the day. There are a couple of times during the day that his gums are really bugging him and he's fussy but overall he's been a great sport!

3 months has FLOWN by! We are just trying to enjoy every single minute. I honestly can't remember what life was like without him! (Nor do I want to!) We love him so much and thank God everyday for our little boy.

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