About Me

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Wow where do I begin??? First of all I love my Jesus. He's my rock & comforter. By no means am I perfect & I am so thankful that in Him I am saved. I have been married to my best friend for 5 years. Colby is such a great hubby and amazing daddy. I can't believe what a hard worker he is and what he does for our family. If it's possible, I love him more everyday. We have two little boys, Jake who turned three in January and has blessed our lives more than we could have ever imagined! And Jett who was born in November and is such a sweet angel! Becoming a mommy has brought out an entire new part of me that I never knew existed. And I honestly can't even describe it. But it's the best, most significant, and most rewarding thing I've ever done. My family is my WORLD...I'm not worthy of such a beautiful family. GOD IS GOOD!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Jett turns 4 months old

This past week you turned four months old.  Hard to believe that it was a year ago that we first found out you even existed.  And now you're four months old and you have completely changed and blessed our lives.  You have made us happier than we could have ever imagined!
These days you are learning so much and changing so quickly.  You always want whatever is in your hands to go directly in your mouth.  And you LOVE to have your hands in your mouth...it's becoming a constant thing!  You have tried a few times to get that thumb in your mouth but since your Momma was a thumb sucker she won't let that happen!
You are sitting up really well and can do it for a couple minutes at a time now!  What a big strong boy you are!  You will be doing it all the time soon I'm sure!
You love to "talk" and make noises.  We all love hearing what you have to say and all of your sweet little coos.
You have started eating cereal and you sure love it!  You start getting excited when we start putting you in your high chair and then proceed to make the "Mmm" sound as you eat!
You are at such a sweet age and we are just trying to cherish every moment!  Time has already gone so quickly!
We love you Jett Dillon, you are the light of our lives!!   

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